How To Tell When Your Car’s Battery Dies

Bad Car Battery

There are plenty of signs of a bad car battery, so if you’re having any of these issues, you should get to your dealership or mechanic and have your battery checked stat.

If it takes a long time for the engine to turn on when you turn your car key, you might be having battery issues. You may also notice your check engine light comes on occasionally. Whether it’s the battery or a problem with the engine or transmission, you should see your mechanic in these cases no matter what.

When you check your fluids, make sure you’re keeping an eye on the battery fluid level. If the fluid gets below the lead plates inside, you should have your battery checked. You could also have a battery leak, which will lead to corrosion and could mean you have to replace the battery.

Finally, your battery will eventually just get old, so have your battery inspected every year!

What Snacks Should You Bring On Road Trips?

Best Snacks For Road Trips

Any road trip enthusiast will tell you that careful planning can make or break a trip—including the proper snacks. Although it might sound like a silly concept, it is true that many drivers eat while they’re on the road. That’s why we’ve put together a post on snacks for road trips to give you an idea of the dos and don’ts of eating on the road.

According to How Stuff Works, the ideal foods for the roads make you feel full and don’t distract you from driving. They also give you energy and keep you alert. First, bring a mini cooler and keep it within reach. If you have passengers, put them in charge of snack distribution. The best snacks tend to be nuts, granola bars, and bananas. What do they have in common? They aren’t messy and they can be eaten with one hand.

What should you avoid? Obviously, you don’t want to bring messy foods that might distract from the road. Chips make your hands greasy, sandwich and hot dog condiments tend to get everywhere, and foods with pits or that have a lot of fluid can also be a problem, including cherries or peaches.

Other favorites include: fruit leather, jerky, celery and carrot sticks, and good old-fashioned trail mix. For drinks, go light—you don’t want to pull over every five seconds. Generally, you can’t go wrong with water. Avoid sugary drinks that may give you a rush and then a sugar crash. Though there are mixed feelings on caffeine, it is a stimulant, making coffee, tea, and energy drinks a possibility for late nights.